Board of Directors
Our board is gearing up for #REALNightOut and hoping you'll join us on October 22nd!!
Story Hour with Jan!
Join Jan every 3rd Saturday of the month from 2:00-3:00pm for Story Hour at Land of a Thousand Hills Coffee, 61 Munroe St, Lynn. For kids...
The REAL Program gets greeted like royalty on their recent trip to Endicott College
Endicott College's Event Management Organization and Education Club treated the students and interns of The REAL Program to such a...
Snuggle Up and READ Event #LynnREADS
Whole family enjoying Snuggle Up and Read Day at #LynnPublicLibrary " I learned that the world can be a much smaller place when you have...
Snuggle Up and READ!
On Saturday January 23rd REAL joined families at the Lynn Public Library for Snuggle Up and READ! Children 3-12 years old came to the...
We the People
We the People are words. We need to have literacy to read and understand those words! #makewayforREAL2016 The REAL Program exists to...
Exciting new things happening in 2016. #makewayforREAL2016 is the theme for this year's literacy campaign. We have collected and...
Aesop's Fables - 24 sculptures by Nancy Schon
REAL Joins Lynn Chamber of Commerce!
#REAL THANKS to the folks from the #LYNNareaCHAMBERofCOMMERCE for our #REAL #ribboncuttingceremony at The REAL Program yesterday...