Save the Date for the Second Annual REAL Night Out Fundraiser
What is a #REALnightOUT you wonder?
A #REALnightOUT is a fun evening where you are out to support a great cause (to improve #literacy) for a great organization (#TheREALProgram) with great people (#teachers, volunteers, parents, community leaders) and have the most fun you could imagine while raising money. The setting is spectacular (Glen Urquhart School), the food is delicious (Kelly’s Roast Beef), the music is jazzy (Pocket Change Trio), the auction prizes are great! Beer, wine, soft drinks offered by Merchant Liquors. Fabulous entertaining auctioneer!
Saturday, October 24th, 2015 from 6:00-10:00
Individual tickets are $50.00. 2 tickets are $75.00. You can order online or…….
you can get your tickets from any of our REAL Board Members: Betsy Brown, Kevin Carey, Judith O’Hare, Rachel Shwartz, Charlie Juliand, Darryl Ruffen, Fred Mathieu, Mary Kiene-Gaultieri, Kelsey McNiff or Liz Yanishevsky.
Hope to see you there,